Saturday, February 7, 2009

Change During European Colonialism

For better or worse, European colonialism had a dramatic impact on SE Asia. The Europeans brought unprecedented economic, technological, religious, and social change. On one hand, this change was largely uninvited and forced upon the SE Asian people. On the other hand, many of the changes were progressive and beneficial.

In my next few posts, I will look at the various categories of change that I listed above and offer my opinion on whether these changes were positive or negative. Some will no doubt be both as few things in history come out as black and white. If they did, what would we have to argue?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, change came with the colonials and impacted the colnies. Europeans brought weapons, goods to trade, and ideas. Many of the changes were brought on by force and benefitted the colonial powers while others did benefit the region itself or independent states. Trade brought money into the region and many got rich. Also came ideas that also changed the region for the better poltically, socially, and econmically. Thus, colonialism did change the region both for the colonials and for the ruled.
